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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Roseola :(

Sophie has roseola. Poor girl.

After four days of high fever and diarrhea, we were so hopeful when it finally broke today. Then this evening during bath time, the rosie rash rapidly appeared covering her entire back. I knew this was the progression of roseola, though I knew nothing else about the virus. So after she was safely tucked in bed, I ran to the computer in a panic, unsure of the severity of her ailment.

To my relief, it sounds like a fairly common, mild virus for 6 month-24 month-olds. The most common age to get it is around 9 months (right on track). It said the fever usually last for 3-5 days, then 12-24 hours after the fever breaks, a rash rapidly appears. The rash lasts for 1-2 days. Then it will clear itself up. Most cases resolve themselves without treatment. Phew. If anyone else has any knowledge of the sickness (Hannah? Abby? Megan?) and wants to add, please do!

I don't like watching my child endure sickness. I hope she feels better soon. Poor baby.

I hope and pray that she did not spread it to any of you. It is not a very contagious virus, but is spread through saliva. I know she has been passing out lots of kisses. It takes 9-10 days to show up. I am really sorry to anyone who might get a fever in a few days...


Unknown said...

Poor little pumkin! Hope she's feeling all better now! Miss you guys! XOX

erin said...

oh no!! i hope sge is better soon!