My daughter confuses me sometimes. Lately, she has been having trouble with nap time. After several hours of being awake, playing, eating, crawling around and getting into ev-ery-thing in the house, she enters the comatose mode. She sits and stares. She rubs her eyes. She gets cranky if we don't take action right away to get her to bed. It is quite obvious when she is ready for a nap.
We give her a bottle of warm milk, lay her in the crib and all is quite... for about 10 minutes.
Then she starts talking. And giggling. And playing. For an hour. Or more. Then sometimes she falls asleep. Sometimes she doesn't.
What is happening here? Has this happened to any of you other moms? Am I doing something wrong?
If she's still taking 2 naps a day, she may be ready to switch to only 1?
I don't think you're doing anything wrong. Maybe examine the room she's in? I had to modify Gracie's because it was too bright for her naps. She also sleeps with the fan on for white noise, and sometimes I even put on soft lullabies for her. Those work really well. I sent copies to Erin if you want to make copies too!
Hey, if she's quiet and happy, leave her be! Even if she's not SLEEPING, sometimes quiet/alone time is important, too.
I agree with Erin. Some babies give up their nap time, but still need some "me time." Let her re-charge by being quiet in her room! :)
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