Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


There are so many new developments to share! Sophie has been surprising me everyday with new accomplishments. I am so proud of her. This week in the news...

  • Anytime she is laid on her back, she cranks her head up, basically doing a tummy crunch, trying to get up. With only a little help, she can pull herself upright when holding our fingers. She is a very strong little girl.

  • She is learning how to swim! She has always been comfortable in the water, and loves bath time. But this week Jared has been giving her baby swimming lessons by dipping her face in the water for half a second. She usually holds her breath or blows bubbles. I am so happy that Jared does that with her, because it makes me too nervous. I want her to be comfortable in the water though, since I was terrified of water until I was eleven. In honor of her progress, we bought her first swimsuit this week. Grandpa and Gram want to take her to the "Y" to swim.

  • She is really getting her hand/eye coordination down! When she sees something she is interested in, she can usually grab it. It has been very exciting watching her make this connection. Going along with that...

  • ...she is becoming very interested in food. Her eyes follow my food as it travels from my plate to my mouth. She is just starting to grab at it as it goes by.

  • She started playing in her exer-saucer. She is strong enough now to keep herself upright in it. She started out by just moving her legs a little, and spinning herself slowly in it. Now, however, she is a seasoned saucer queen. She grabs at the toys, bounces herself up and down, and spins, all while talking and shrieking in delight.

  • Gram and Gramps Norquist have a walker that she tried out this week. Her feet touched the ground perfectly and she figured out how to scoot herself forwards and backwards all around the kitchen and living room! She was so excited to be able to move on her own. Mommy and Daddy were VERY proud.

  • And finally, she slept in her crib for the first time last night! She has been in a bassinet by our bed up until now. She is getting to be such a big girl, and slept all by herself in her own room.


erin said...

First, the bathing suit--SO CUTE!
Second, "Seasoned Saucer Queen." Hilarious!
Third, her own crib!! Awesome!!
Thanks for the updates--keep them coming!

Michelle M said...

Naomi - she is such an angel! How cute is she in her swimsuit AND sleeping in her crib? I want to steal her away ;) J/K, but I sure hope my future baby is as cute as Sophia!