Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, July 23, 2007

30 Weeks

Over the Hump

I am 30 Weeks! I feel like I have made it over the hump and it is all downhill from here (in possibly more than one way...). The time has flown by, and now that I am in the 30's, it will only accelerate. I am more and more ready to be done everyday. I am excited to meet this baby, though I am really enjoying the time Jared and I have alone, just the two of us. I am struggling with that a little. Once this baby comes, we will never, ever just be a couple any longer-- there will always be our child. Which of course is a blessing, but will definitely take some adjusting.

I have only continued to grow more uncomfortable. My belly is stretching constantly and I swear I can feel it getting bigger. It doesn't matter what position I am in, it is uncomfortable. The only way that I can find some level of comfort is laying on my side in bed with my Snoogle. (This pillow is the best purchase we have made to date, worth every cent. Without this pillow, no sleep would be had by this prego.)
Speaking of sleep, that is another area that has been giving me more trouble. I have not slept through the night all week. I have heard that this happens during the last trimester in preparation for all the sleepless nights ahead once the baby's born. Let me tell you-- I am not too fond of it. I wake up at least every two hours, sweating or numb and have to roll over (which takes quite a bit of maneuvering!) and throw off the blankets.

I have also been increasingly clumsy, which is getting OH-SO-OLD. I honestly cannot help it, but couldn't get more frustrated with myself every time I drop something, spill something or knock something over. Here are some of the best examples:
1. When I bend over to pick something up off the floor, I have to swipe at it at least three times before I actually get ahold of it. Then half the time, on my way back up again, I drop it.
2. EVERY time I have eaten in the car for the past week and a half, I have spilled something on my shirt. Best part? I have never been the one driving when it happens. I have always been in the passenger seat. You'd think I could control my hand-to-mouth coordination with no distractions. But no. My Tide-To-Go stick has been working overtime (which honestly doesn't work that well). I have now lost three of my favorite tank tops to ketchup and grease stains. One time, I set my sandwich in my lap, and then leaned forward to get a napkin. Stupid idea?
Um Yes. My beach-ball-belly obviously leaned right into the grease/ketchup/mustard oozing from my burger. Brilliant!


kristi noser said...

I had to look at the first picture a couple of times to assure myself you didn't have anything trying to get out, ifyouknowwhatimean.
You look good, girl!

erin said...

I honestly think you look better than ever. It's so fun to watch you growing!

Naomi said...

Eeeeeeewwwwww! I didn't see it at first...but then I did, and eeewww! So sorry for the fake out.

erin said...

Also, I think you should have called this post "Over the Bump."
Har, har.