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Monday, April 16, 2007

Weeks 5 - 13

After finding out that I was pregnant, I feared that each new day would bring the dreaded morning sickness with it. One of the things I hate most in life is throwing up, so this was particularly scary for me. But it never came!!! I made it safely through the whole first trimester without feeling nauseated or sick once!

The first symptom I noticed was how quickly I grew tired. Luckily, I was able to sneak in about 3 naps a week, which helped me get by. Then around Week 8, I started having aversions to some foods and smells. But even this was not severe. I flew through the first trimester symptom-free. In fact, my first trimester was so easy that I began to worry by about Week 12 that I had just imagined it all. So I snuck into the bathroom one day with one of the unused tests we had bought, just to make sure. No worries! I was still pregnant!

During these first few weeks, I got my hands on several pregnancy books and poured over them. I learned everything I needed to know about nutrition, exercise, and what was happening inside of me. Every night I would read to Jared from these books, and we were able to moniter the growth and development of our baby.

We decided to take a few pictures around Week 6, before I had grown at all, so we could have a baseline to watch the progress of my growing belly.