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Friday, May 4, 2007

Prenatal Visit #2

We had our second prenatal visit yesterday. I spent so much time looking forward to it (because anything that has to do with my baby excites me!), that to be completely honest, it was somewhat of a disapointment. Now, let me clarify. It was disapointing in a good way, because everyting is going as it should, I am healthy, baby is healthy, and everything looks fine. So the visit just went extremely fast. I was literally in the clinic for 10 minutes. But here is the low-down.

I followed the nurse back to the dreaded weigh-in station, but to my joyful surprise, I have only gained 3 lbs in four and a half weeks! The nurse told me this was great, and that I should gain an average of 1 lb. per week from here on out. Then she took my blood pressure: 102/50. Good again. Then the nurse got up, and the midwife came in. Mary (the midwife), gave me an ultrasound form, so we can schedule to see our Little Precious in two weeks! Then she measured my belly, and listened to the baby's heartbeat. The best part of the visit is that I brought a little recorder, and now have 13 seconds of the most sweet sound I can imagine. I can listen to BB's little heart just beating away, whenever I want! And now, all of you can hear it too!

This week, I have felt God showering me with blessing. Only last week (Week 17), I was complaining that I was having clothing issues. Well, God has overabundantly provided for me, and I feel so amazed and SO GRATEFUL! On Wednesday evening, Papar called me up and said he wanted to take me shopping for some new clothes! I was thrilled, and quickly accepted. We met at the store, and he helped me pick out some great pants and shirts! I was finally able to FIT into some jeans again! I cannot tell you how exciting that was! So I wore my new clothes the following day to our appointment! Then Thursday morning I had an opportunity to go garage sale-ing with Emma. I was about to give up and go home, but I decided to try one more block that had three sales on it. At the first sale, I found a beautiful baby blanket and a sleep positioner. At the second sale, I got an adorable, new Graco swing for $15! Then I crossed the street to the final sale of the day, and hit jackpot. She had an entire rack of adorable, Old Navy, GAP, and American Eagle maternity clothes in my size! I got about 15 items, including a mixture of capris, slacks, dressy jackets, comfy shirts and a nice pair of jeans for $39!
THEN... After work on Thursday, Gary brought Cassie and me out to dinner and then to go shopping for more maternity clothes! He bought me a cute tankini swimsuit (don't worry, the belly is safely tucked away out of site!), some shorts, and a bra!
As you can see, when it rains, IT POURS! God didn't just shower me with clothes in my time of need, he sent HAIL!


erin said...

God is so good..brought tears to my eyes. Thanks, friend.

erin said...

So fun to hear that little heartbeat. Thanks for sharing it with us during girls' night!