Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Labor Date

We tried it all. No baby. Just two bruised ankles, a sore back, and a bad attitude. Ugh.

We started with a twenty-minute ankle-pushing session (um, OUCH), then headed up to the bedroom for hanky panky, immediately followed by a mile-long power walk. At this point, I was having contractions pretty frequently, so I was getting excited. As I made our spicy tacos for dinner, I started feeling crampy, and my lower back was beginning to ache. Two more good signs! We finished dinner with burning lips, and laced up our shoes again. Back around the mile loop for a brisk after-dinner walk. Now I was feeling very crampy, my back ached pretty intensely, and I was feeling a TON of pressure on my crotch, but the contractions had ceased, so I bounced on my big birth ball. Then it was back up to the bedroom.

I fell asleep with a backache and cramps, and have been awakened at least seven times since then (it is now 3am) by very strong contractions. I guess there is still hope... I am not getting too excited though.


erin said...

Naomi--that is an exhausting evening.
I'm sorry no baby yet, ANY DAY NOW! Hang in there!

erin said...

Also, can we have 39.5week pics?

Unknown said...

Love you Foofy!!!!!

We'll be there to suppeort you through the entire ordeal with hugs and kisses and ice-cream and ice packs and soft music (or loud music and black light posters if you want)and back massages and movies and Pringles chips if you insist.....wait a minute those have hydrogenated oils don't they. Skip the chips an name what's missing.......

erin said...

Jim, you forgot popsicles and pudding pops and honey nut cheerios!

Unknown said...

Done deal!!!!!!!!!!!

If you haven't heard already, Naomi is in serious but not hard labor....last I heard was 4-6 minutes between contractions. Unlsess something else precludes it, the babe should be here by this time tomorrow

Sarah said...

I am so excited to meet your new little baby, Jared and Naomi!! I'm sure you won't see this until you get home, but I love you two and am praying for all three of you!

Lis said...

Congratulations Naomi! I hope you and little baby are doing well.

Unknown said...

For those of you that check the comments, little Sophia Collette Nourse made her appearance at 3:12 this morning at the Woodwinds hospital in Woodbury, weighing in at 6Lbs 13oz and stretching out at 20 3/4".

Katie R. said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Welcome to God's world little Sophia Collette!

Cara said...

Little did you know, Naomi, less than 24 hours after this post, YOU ARE A MOMMY! Congratulations! I thoroughly enjoyed helping you get through the first stages of labor. I can't wait to hear your stories! I hope we can come see Sophia soon!

Carla said...

Congratulations!!! Welcome Sophia!

Michelle M said...

Congratulations Naomi and Jared! So exciting!! Good luck with your precious baby girl :) Can't wait to see pictures!!

NoOtherName said...

Happy Due Date, Naomi! And praise God for baby Sophie!!!

Jen Crim